In Search Of

The Shining City

In 1630, Puritan leader John Winthrop set sail for America to establish The Shining City on the Hill. In The Invitation to the Shining City, Joey and Dana Kunz stumble onto a magical place but then need to be invited in order to return.

To Do Justly, To Love Mercy, 

To Be Knit Together

In the Shining City, our chief characters learn that its inhabitants follow Winthrop’s ideal to “…follow the counsel of Micah to do justly, to love mercy, to walk humbly with God…to be knit together…as one man.

It’s a place where the people are of one heart and one mind, dwell in righteousness and share things in common. But, to return, they need to get their own Invitation and bring others with them. 

It Comes to Life in the New Novel by GM Jarrard:

The Invitation

THE INVITATION asks the question, ‘if you were given the chance to escape to a place where the people were of one heart, one mind, lived in righteousness and cared for the poor, what would you sacrifice to gain entrance?’ In the book, Joey and Dana Kunz confront both opportunity and opposition as they seek their “Shining City on the Hill” when they get their invitation and ask others to join them.

Join The Journey

Our Story Starts Here:

At Caesarea under Herod’s aqueduct, Jonathan Blum is offered the opportunity of a lifetime when a mysterious man named John gives him an invitation he can’t refuse: Would you accept YOUR Invitation?

The First Stop

A Weekend in 1925.

The assignment was simple: To drive 90-year-old Margritte Kunz to a Hot Springs and Spa to an unknown place with extraordinary healing powers where it’s still 1925 and Calvin Coolidge is president. The challenge is getting home again. And, the problem is, what must we do to return?